VIDEO: KSEE 24 Covers the FAIR Education Act Bill

The FAIR (Fair, Accurate, Inclusive and Respectful) Education Act is a bill that, if passed, will bring Gay History into the classrooms of California. The idea is that bringing LGBT history into school classrooms will help alleviate the bullying crisis that permeates school everywhere. The bill would also add sexual orientation to the anti discrimination laws for schools in California.

Matt Mazzei, of the local Rainbow Delegation, is interviewed in the piece, as well as Jim Franklin, who for some strange reason, local news affiliates continue to consult on every issue facing the LGBT community. Maybe it’s about time local news had an LGBT voice attached to every story about Christianity, or religion in general, as well as a myriad of other topics. As open and welcoming the local news affiliates have been to us in the LGBT Community, getting our voices and issues out there on a regular basis, isn’t it time they ran just ONE STORY concerning our rights without Franklin in the mix to bash us, and worse, to continually perpetuate lies and misinformation. Do they even realize they’re doing it at this point, or is it just a matter of a rolodex call to Franklin every time an issue that concerns the LGBT Community comes up? Religion is not a FACTUAL institution, it’s one based on mythology. What exactly is he doing in this story??

Watch the video below.


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