

TransViewWe all have prejudices, bigotries, preferences, choices, and biases; some more – some less.  All humans are raised with different views, different tastes, and different perceptions.  What one does with all of these makes us “civilized” – the ability to form social connections to others of natures’ beings.  In the world of LGBTQI, the community has had to endure unusually strong emotional reactions from other’s bigotries, but what about other “worlds”.  Even the community of LGBTQI experiences all of these bigotries even amongst themselves.  What is your “Bigotry” and how do you justify it with yourself and others?  It is one thing to cry, moan, and whine about being targeted by bigotry but what about YOUR bigotry?

Humans have a tendency to put labels and signs on things and others to help them to try and understand and comprehend others roles and positions.  This can be a help but more often leads to misunderstanding and bigotry.  The one thing that facilitates most bigotries is fear and that comes from being uninformed or ill informed.  Do you really understand the labels and signs that YOU use?  Do you really understand the ins and outs of, say, the label of “Felon” from the incarcerated community or even the meaning(s) of the word incarcerated?  What about some of the terms used in the Mental Health field, sex offender terms, Persons with Disabilities, or the language of Gangs?  What to do?  You fight mightily against bigotry and you yourself are bigoted.  Do you champion against bigotry just to show others you are a bigoted, bullying, hypocrite?  You say all inclusive but do you really include everyone – regardless?  Do you say all are welcome but are there certain ones that maybe just are not feeling welcome?

Some alarming statistics have raised the public’s awareness of bullying, especially in elementary schools.  What to do about these bullies?  A good place to start is with one’s own self, how you perceive others, labels, signs, and/or processes.  Do you choose to reject, exclude, and work against?  Or do you choose to accommodate, cooperate, and try to work along with?  It’s easiest to “let someone else do it” or to use “not in my back yard” to remove your problems.  Remember that your problems do NOT go away – they follow you around.  When you choose rejection and exclusion that is what you earn.  Your reward becomes that very same rejection and exclusion.  Choose accommodation and cooperation, your reward will be the same.

To choose accommodation use your years of training, education, and experience to find ways of encouraging others to show advancements and self-improvements.  Cooperate in furthering the best efforts of others in making good choices.  Try your best to work along with others in support and encouragement.  Look around, there may be and are those who are able to be accommodating, cooperating, and willing to try and work along with all.  Ask them how they do it.

We face an abundance of prejudice, discrimination, and bigotry from a great many sources, groups, movements, and individuals.  We fight to stop and correct a lot of the misinformation.  We must not succumb to the rantings of some individuals and groups that have agendas against some other labels and signs.  Whether you think them right or wrong, don’t become the bigot you fight against.

More information about this subject can be found in articles referenced from the American Psychiatric Association, the Trevor Project, and internet searches.


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