LGBTQ+ Town Hall / Community Meeting

On May 18, I was asked to join community members in a call for an appointment of an LGBTQ+ Liasion, within in the City of Fresno’s governmental structure. As we have reported since that date, with the help of Councilmember Annalisa Pera and countless other community members/leaders, we were able to help secure a future Liasion, which we understand will be announced in September or October, and $200k in organizational funds to support the much needed work that is happening within and for the LGBTQ community.

I deeply love Fresno and am excited to see what this new chapter holds for our community as we have the potential for a clear relationship with city officials and funds to support great work. And, because of that desire for success, I am hoping to help create a space for community members/leaders to come together to discuss pathways for shared, collaborative next steps. I do not have an organization and am not organizing this within an organization – I am doing this as a community organizer who cares about a community that is too often under attack by Council members, Supervisors, some time Mayors and as we approach a new Presidential cycle – we will see LGBTQ+ hate rhetoric and crimes continue to rise. The only way we stand to win or at least defend ourselves is by working together and collaborating as a unified front.

So, my hope is that you, as simply a community member or you, as a representative of a local LGBTQ+ organization will attend this upcoming Town Hall / Community meeting and join this effort to continue the great work that has been happening in this community for decades. Please, help spread the word and if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask.

WHEN: Monday, August 21st
TIME: 6-9pm
WHERE: 4949 E Kings Canyon Blvd (or virtual via Zoom)

If you need childcare, any accommodations, transportation please contact me.

This will be a facilitated discussion and we will do our best to keep the meeting within the 2-3 hour time frame. And, after the meeting, if folks are interested in meeting again, we can work as a group to determine the best next steps.

Robin McGehee


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